I reported on local news and the metro suburbs, a jack of all beats for Colorado’s flagship daily newspaper. Here is a small and colorful selection of my feature pieces.

Medical waste company helps keep it clean

There is a jar of harmless medical waste on the edge of Beverly Hanstrom’s desk. The contents look like paper confetti, but the shredded strings of light blue were once disposable gloves immersed in the body of a surgery patient.

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girl named America’s Top Young Scientist

America’s Top Young Scientist, Gitanjali Rao, 12, was ecstatic when her mother walked into their Lone Tree home holding a present that would alarm most people—lead acetate.

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dispatch center 1st with data network for public safety

A small, nonprofit police and fire dispatch center in Commerce City says it is the first regional emergency communication provider in the country to launch a wireless data network just for public safety officials.

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Clear Intentions startup expanding its market

Outside the Clear Intentions glass plant in south Adams County are mounds of color-coded bottle shards glittering in the sunshine, waiting to be scooped into the back of a truck and carted away to their endless future.

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pinball wizard wins 2017 Championship

There are about a dozen full-size pinball machines lining the walls of the living room, and just as many in the basement, paneling the perimeter of the room. When the machines are all turned on at the same time, they blink and scintillate and honk and jingle from all directions in a chorus of nostalgia.

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Our Lady of Visitation Mission faces closure

A small, unassuming church made of pink bricks sits tucked among a tightly packed neighborhood of modest homes. On Palm Sunday, dozens of worshippers swarmed there from every direction, gathering just outside the wooden double doors that lead into Our Lady of Visitation Catholic Church.

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